The Quality of Service Code of Practice and Standards of Performance Relating to Quality of Services for Telecommunications Sector in Brunei Darussalam (QoS Code)
For the current dynamic national economy which aims to achieve the status of sophisticated knowledge-based society, Quality of Service framework targets to ensure the quality delivery of voice, messaging and broadband services by complying to minimal standards as adopted from time to time. Availability, Reliability and Consumer Servicing are the core pillars of aspired quality in the regulatory environment which is essentially responsive to Consumers in era of Convergence and Competition.
AITI published “The Quality of Service Code of Practice and Standards of Performance Relating to Quality of Services for Telecommunications Sector in Brunei Darussalam (QoS Code)” on 1 March 2014 that aims to ensure that consumers are given satisfactory level of services that meet minimum and acceptable standards. The QoS Code sets minimum quality standards for telecommunications services and allows local telecommunications providers to provide services at standards higher than that prescribed.
AITI monitors the Quality of Service (QoS) in telecommunications services provided by telecommunications operators while ensuring the operators follows the standards set in the QoS Code. Telecommunications operators are required to submit quarterly reports of their service quality, taking into account the changes in technology, industry and consumer demand, ensuring that the standards remain relevant.
AITI Quality of Service - Code of Practice
The following link shows information on speeds achieved for the Fixed and Mobile network, and also Brunei’s global ranking.